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Watch Out For Identity Theft!

We all know that Identity theft is the fastest growing crime here in the United States right now.There are more than 9 million victims of identity theft each and every year.Identity theft is a crime that ruins the life of innocent people.It is not fair and it is not right that somebody can easily take your life away from you.I would really be so helpless,pissed or angry if my identity will be stolen away from me because I know that once that happen,my life and everything are all gone!That is why we all have to be Proactive and not just Reactive.

According to,there were 11 people that were charged with the theft and sale of more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers from at least nine U.S. retailers in what they said was one of the largest and most complex hacking and identity theft cases ever brought.There are so many Americans that has been experiencing Identity Theft.These people take people's life away by hacking their computers or laptops.This is really so scary,right?

Well,after announcing this news,the lifelock CEO,Todd Davis called on the banking and credit industries to start having a proactive role in protecting the American consumers threatened by the raise in global ID theft.LifeLock won the 2008 American Business Awards for Best Magazine Advertisement and Best Radio Advertisement.The company was also awarded and was the recipient of the Red Herring 100 Global Award as one of the Top 100 start-ups in the world and was listed among the finalists for the Best Places to Work in 2007 by the Phoenix Business Journal.Recently,LifeLock was also awarded both the Hot Growth Award from bizAZ, and the azFast 15 Award from the Arizona Business Magazine.Protect your identity and let lifelock help you,before it is too late!For more details and information please visit their web site by clicking the link I have provided for you above.
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